Inicio > About IGEMA > Get to know us > Education and Future Foundation
IGEMA is part of an initiative of the FFF that was created to respond to training needs as they arise according to individuals and society.
The foundation is a non-profit entity whose purpose is to commit to the education of individuals aspiring to have a positive influence on society, promoting integrity, a spirit of service, professionalism, and responsibility. It has been registered in the Foundation Registry of the Generalitat de Catalunya since 1993 and has been declared an institution of educational charitable interest by the Generalitat de Catalunya.
The Education and Future Foundation originated in 1958 when the School of Business Administration was created, and since then, it has accumulated over 60 years of experience in training, managing, and developing educational institutions.
2025 IGEMA Centro de Estudios Universitarios, is a center attached to the Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
It is an initiative of the Fundación Formación y Futuro that was created with the aim of responding to the training needs that arise at all times according to the people and society around us.
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