Next Open Day Session | April 26th at 10:00 AM
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Get to know us


The Affiliation agreement with the Universitat Rovira i Virgili emphasizes IGEMA’s
commitment to excellence and educational quality, with the aim of providing students
with the tools, competencies, and skills necessary to face their future professional
careers. IGEMA promotes an academic offering based on high standards of quality,
aiming to foster a positive attitude and leadership, as well as the entrepreneurial spirit
of individuals, through teaching that combines high academic value with a distinctly
practical character.

To achieve these objectives, IGEMA has defined a Quality Policy and a Quality Manual,
using the quality system of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the “Standards and
Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)” as

The Foundation is a non-profit entity whose purpose is a commitment to the education of individuals aspiring to have a positive influence on society, promoting integrity, a spirit of service, professionalism, and responsibility. It is registered in the Registry of Foundations of the Generalitat de Catalunya since 1993, having been declared an institution of charitable educational interest by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The Formación y Futuro Foundation originated in 1958 when the School of Business
Administration was created, and since then, it has accumulated over 60 years of
experience in the training, management, and development of educational entities.

In application of this Quality Policy, IGEMA is committed to promoting quality and
continuous improvement through three pillars:

IGEMA has defined a quality policy and objectives that reference the quality system
implemented by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). As an affiliated center of the URV,
IGEMA shares the same principles and values of providing quality university education
based on excellence, social commitment, and university cooperation for development.

The purpose of the Quality Manual is to define IGEMA’s Internal Quality Assurance
System (SGIQ). The Manual generally describes the objectives and structure of the
SGIC defined and implemented by IGEMA.

Strategic Processes

Key Processes

Support Processes

Quality Accreditations

IGEMA holds institutional accreditation from the Agency for Quality of the Catalan University System (AQU) and the Council of Universities since March 2020.

Institutional accreditation involves the renewal of accreditation for all official undergraduate and master’s degrees offered at the faculty for a period of five years, in addition to possessing the certificate of implementation of its Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC)

Degree in Business Administration and Management

The bachelor’s degree in business administration and management at IGEMA is accredited by the Agency for Quality of the Catalan University System (AQU).

Master's Degree in Business Creation and Management in a Globalized Environment

The Master’s Degree in Business Creation and Management in a Globalized Environment was verified on 18/1/2023. The favorable report of EVALUATION OF THE APPLICATION FOR VERIFICATION OF OFFICIAL DEGREE includes only one recommendation: Encourage and facilitate the research activity of the teaching staff.

The Faculty of Economics and Business is firmly committed to quality, understood as a continuous process of improvement so that the public service of higher education and research reaches a level of excellence. A good example of this is that we were the first Faculty of the public university system in Catalonia to obtain accreditation for the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SIGQ) and Institutional Accreditation.

The Faculty has defined a Quality Policy and has a Quality Manual that incorporates and develops the processes that make up the SIGQ. This policy and the accreditations obtained guarantee that all our processes (academic organization, external practices, teaching…) are developed with a high standard of quality and, therefore, guarantees our students and society in general a quality public service.

Memories and reports AQU

Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management

Master's Degree in Business Creation and Management in a Globalized Environment

University centers in which the Foundation participates with collaboration agreements



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